The microsystem produces microprocessor control systems, mainly for fabric filters. The company exists since 1988. We have produced several thousand control cabinets to control the operation of bag filters, filter cartridges, and cyclofilters. Mainly on our controllers. We also make systems based on Unitronics, Modicon, Siemens, Telemechanique controllers. The systems work in factories in Poland, Norway, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and other countries. We are the main producer of bag filter controllers in the country, our devices are characterized by reliable operation in harsh industrial conditions for many years, we have extensive experience in the operation of dedusting devices. We deal with industrial dedusting for over 30 years. Our company’s products have a competitive price. We attach great importance to the quality of our products. Our control systems are used in metallurgy, heating, energy, cement industry and many other industrial branches. For the production of our control systems we use high-quality components only from proven and reputable manufacturers. That is why our controllers, transducers and control cabinets are adapted to many years of operation in harsh industrial conditions. We thoroughly test each product before handing it over to the customer, thus the end user avoids problems related to the operation of the equipment. We also carry out assembly and commissioning of our devices directly on site at the target customer, and provide training for employees operating our control systems. Please be advised that we are open to new solutions. We take into account the wishes of users regarding the architecture of the microprocessor system and control algorithm.